Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Recruitment 2.0! Yet another 2.0 for us to use

Most of us all hear about Web 2.0 (social networking sites) but now there is talk of recruitment 2.0. Recruitment 2.0 is the new thinking, new channels and new approaches to candidate and client attraction. With all these new ideas and systems to understand, how do we use them and more importantly what are they. Below are a couple of ideas that have been suggested:

Using search engine marketing

Candidates and clients are starting to use search engines more as filters for their searches, be it for jobs or agencies. This means that the fight for marketing online and improving your ranking is becoming increasingly competitive. Search marketing also includes pay per click searches; these are starting to get used more in recruitment because of the benefits of target marketing. The Internet is such a great tool for marketing because of the democratic nature that allows any company no matter what the size to rank higher than their competitors and that is why pay per click and online marketing is so popular.

Using SMS and portable Internet

The portable Internet on phones will be vastly improved within the next couple of years making it a viable option that recruitment companies should embrace. Having a mobile web page could be crucial in reaching your target markets and again gives you another channel to capture your target market. SMS alerts are also a relatively undiscovered area that will be explored more and more as mobile Internet improves. There are already talks of getting targeted SMS messages to your phone as you walk by shops, there are of course many problems with this but this is only at discussion point and I have no doubt that in the near future it will be happening. With the Iphone already in circulation and being an all in one device that allows easier navigation around the Internet soon more affordable products will be available and this will create another channel to access potential candidates and clients.

Digital community matters

We are now seeking advice from people who have put their thoughts and reviews on the Internet; we do our own knowledge seeking and find what we want. We don’t believe what people or adverts say to us, we need to reinforce our ideas ourselves and we will spend time doing this. Ultimately the candidates and clients are getting more power and are being more choosey in deciding which company they want to work for. By using Blogs, pod casts and other tools you are encouraging a two way communication. Engaging in conversation and opinion sharing invites people to make contact and stimulates interest.

So what now?

Recruitment 2.0 is all about new channels at lower cost, more proactive, engaging and measurable. This seems to promise a lot and can seem a little too good to be true but with more and more advances I see no reason why these new channels can not be explored to the best of our abilities.

Just out of interest there are already talks about Web 3.0, we just cannot keep up it seems.


Christopher Samuels said...

You forgot Web 4.0 too Alistair!

Anonymous said...


as a jobhunter I am working hard on my blog and Linkedin to increase my reputation but I am facing a lot of resistance from recruiters/employers as they are still looking for the regular .doc copy of the cv.

Where do Recruitment 2.0 and Job Hunting 2.0 meet?

Alistair said...

Hi Julius

The problem is that there is currently no juxtaposition between what we’ve categorised as Recruitment 2.0 and more “traditional” recruiting methods. Employers still prefer the tried and trusted system of: receiving candidate CV (in Word format), interviewing candidate, securing candidate work.

The new methods we discussed, which go someway to incorporating Web 2.0, are by no means being fully implemented by employers at present. This is starting to change however, with some agencies experimenting in Second Life by opening ‘branches’ and interviewing candidates there. The aforementioned “Recruitment 2.0” manner of recruiting though is exciting for an observer, but for the job-seeker in 2008 the prospect of interviewing and ultimately accepting a new job offer through this seems a long way off.

Josh Sherrod said...

Alistair, as a jobhunter I am working hard on my blog and Linkedin to increase my reputation but I am facing a lot of resistance from recruiters/employers as they are still looking for the regular .doc copy of the cv. Where do Recruitment 2.0 and Job Hunting 2.0 meet?