Tuesday 20 May 2008

Agency workers update

Here's what Anne Fairweather of the REC had to say yesterday prior to the announcement of a deal between the TUC, CBI and the government:
…the move to 12 weeks is a significant change in direction from the Government who once declared that temporary workers did not need any further rights (in the DTI publication Success at Work in 2006). REC does not believe that there has been sufficient evidence presented to justify equal treatment provisions and is very disappointed that the Government appears to be changing its position on this matter. We will therefore emphasis this disappointment in our press line if a final agreement between the CBI and TUC is reached.
The point about the government moving from its stated position in 2006 is a good one. As I posted a week ago, it is really symptomatic of the weakness of the government that it has buckled under pressure from the left of the PLP and the unions. The REC can 'express…disappointment' at the lack of 'sufficient evident' and the government's volte face (u-turn to you and me) as much as it likes, but since when did rationality and consistency win against raw politics?

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