Thursday 17 April 2008

Most jobseekers go online

This is another bit of research, this time from Borrell Associates in the US. "Opportunity abounds online: nearly half the jopbseekers who have internet access are not using online media to look for a job", it says. Well, that may mean that there is a lot of opportunity for growth, but it also means that right now, over 50% of internet-enabled people looking for work go online.

Interestingly, the report also comments on the use of video by employers and recruiters as being "the hottest new tool". Total ad spending on online video was $522 million in 2007 and this is predicted to rise nearly twentyfold by 2012. Of this a "significant portion" is going to job- and employer-related video. So if you want to steal a march on your competition, get yourself an online vid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jobseekers,
There are no of plenty of jobs in Bangalore. Post your resume and take

your dream job in Garden city.