Thursday, 1 November 2007

Back in action again

Well, this blog has been languishing for a while, suffering the fate of many blogs - in other words getting set up in a fit of enthusiasm, and then getting forgotten about in days. The good news is that we have made a definite decision to resurrect it.

We'll be announcing new features through the blog, as they come online - which means that there is going to be regular content posted. And, of course, you can look forward to news, views and other good things relating to Jobshout, content management, search engine optimization, analytics, web recruitment and more. At least, that's the determination. The proof of the
pudding, as always...

Back soon.


Balinder said...

Here is a brief list of latest features (Jobshout version 1.0.0 build 23):

• Intelligent links from a job web page which pre-select the similar jobs: Jobshout job details page links to other similar jobs - When job details page is now drawn it creates links to other jobs in the same market sectors, skills. It used to link to random jobs before but issue was those links to other jobs might not be appealing to the current website user as those jobs may be in the different market sector and area. This will give Jobshout Jobboard users a more personal experience. Good news is as soon this feature is added, like many others, it is available to all the Jobshout clients. It is automatically implemented for Jobshout live customers with lots of jobs.

Balinder said...
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Balinder said...

• Finally, Jobshout goes where ever you go today: Another exciting news is Jobshout back-end system works fully on an iPhone, which means consultants can not only add/update jobs on their website and search/contact applicants from an iPhone but they can also check the progress of their jobs and stats. Jobboard stats also work really well and I can think of the endless possibilities of this type of application immediately. This might well be the God-Sent for consultants who work from home and tracking down good applicants is always a challenge. Time is critical and quicker a consultant can find an applicant for a job, better it is and it is a win win situation. Another good use of Jobshout Information Portal and Applicants Database. Where do you want your jobs to go today?

Balinder said...
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Balinder said...

• Jobshout marrying broadbean: Development team is excited to start working on Jobshout-Broadbean project which has already passed it's first evaluation stage. Users can envisage it as a marriage of Jobshout with Broadbean. For those who doesn't know what broadbean is: It is a single platform on the web which can publish a job to hundreds of major jobboards with a single click such as Jobserve, Monster, Jobsite, Total Jobs, cw360 and many more. Please visit for more information and also check this blog regularly as we will be posting more news about this very topic from time to time.